Whistleblower Protection
Through this reporting system you can quickly and easily report concerns about actual or suspected misconduct that has the potential to negatively affect GLS or the wellbeing of its people or third parties.
We invite and welcome all reports about actual or suspected misconduct at GLS. But you must never misuse this reporting system for deliberately making false allegations against someone else which you know are not true!
You may submit a report anonymously if you wish to do so. Please read the additional advice by clicking on the "Anonymity" button below and open a Secure Inbox. The Secure Inbox function makes it possible to communicate with GLS in an anonymous manner when and after submitting a report.
All reports are strictly confidential. You can find more information on this by clicking on the tab "Privacy Policy" . If you want to learn more about how reporters are protected and what happens after a report has been submitted, click the button "Whistleblowing Policies" below.