The GLS Group’s success is the focus on quality.

Every day the GLS Group strives to provide its customers with a high quality of services.
We are locally present, we continuously improve our network, we provide high standards in technology and security, we aim to protect our environment, and we respect differences among our employees, providing them with secure jobs.

  • Reliability

    Your parcel arrives on time. Ensured by a tight road-based network and standardised measures to secure and control quality at every stage.

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  • Security

    Your parcel arrives safe and sound. Group wide monitoring standards ensure maximum security. Your benefit: Lowest damage and loss quota.

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  • Transparency

    We keep track of your parcel. Scans at every interface, real-time data processing and modern IT systems ensure reliable status information.

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  • Flexibility

    We find the right solutions for you. Global portfolio plus local services, comprehensive competence plus local expertise for your business.

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  • Sustainability

    We act responsibly. Actively committed to employees, society and environment, we follow a holistic approach to sustainability.

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Quality is our highest priority.
The GLS quality assurance includes precisely defined work processes, quality guidelines, and regular audits.

We are close to our customers, offering suitable shipping solutions for the particular needs of business customers, as well as high-quality B2C solutions.

IT is the basis for successful parcel dispatch solutions.
Constant innovation and improvement ensure your parcel is in the best hands.


The GLS Group Network

  • Over 40 countries
  • Over 22,000 employees
  • More than 1,600 depots and agencies
  • More than 4,500 long distance trucks
  • Over 37,000 delivery vans

Sending parcels with GLS provides our customers with a number of advantages

Transit times

Short transit times gernerally allow for parcels being delivered within 24-48 hours.


International shipping is one of the key strengths of GLS, with precisely coordinated long-distance services connecting the GLS locations.

Cross border

GLS offers a broad range of cross-border services. Cross-selling opportunities by combining Royal Mail and GLS networks.


Entrepreneurial business culture within clearly defined corporate governance framework.

Local market presence

Local management teams ensure close proximity to customers and markets.

Customer base

Balanced portfolio of small, mid-sized and large customers.

GLS Slovakia Facts & Figures

We are always improving and expanding for you.

  • Over 5,000 customers
  • 1 Hub & 27 depots
  • more than 400 Parcel Shops
  • More than 1100 ParcelLockers
  • Over 650 vehicles

Our code of conduct

As an internationally operating parcel service provider the GLS Group stands for fair competition, integrity and responsibility.

Responsible, systemised operations

GLS has implemented a group-wide programme designed to systematically identify and structurally avoid compliance risks. It was developed to protect the GLS Group and its employees.

GLS focuses on the following core areas:

Competition law
Fighting corruption
Adherence of economic sanctions
Prevention of money laundering
Combatting of enforced labour, slavery and human trafficking
Code of Business Standards

This code forms the basis of all business activities of the GLS Group. Furthermore it shows the obligation of the GLS Group towards its stakeholders

Supplier Code of Conduct

GLS expects its suppliers to respect the standards laid out in this Supplier Code of Conduct, implement them using appropriate measures and adhere to them in their business

GLS van in the wood

General Logistics Systems B.V. (GLS) is part of the Royal Mail Group. Royal Mail is committed to playing its part in helping to prevent any incidence of modern slavery in its business and supply chain.
Read Royal Mail's Modern Slavery Act statements.


The GLS Group has implemented a whistleblowing/ombudsman system to enable employees, business partners and third parties to report in confidence any concerns that they have about criminal acts and similar serious offences.

Environmental standards

Guideline for the minimisation of environmentalimpacts by GLS Group.